Our mission at MASKS4PEOPLE is to make and distribute face masks to hospitals, healthcare centers, organizations, and individuals in need for FREE. MASKS4PEOPLE works because of generous donations.
As of May 15, we have produced and distributed over 5,000 masks to over 175 different groups. The majority of our mask recipients are based in New York City where COVID-19 has been most rampant and destructive, and Upstate New York where our operations are located. However we have also served organizations in California, Florida, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and others.
MASKS4PEOPLE was cofounded by Kristen Dodge and Laleh Khorramian on March 12, 2020 in response to the developing crisis of COVID-19. Our masks are made by a team of artists based in the Hudson Valley.
Our masks are not surgical-grade masks, nor are they N95 masks. They are three-layer masks: the outer layers are tightly woven fabric and the inner layer is non-fusible, non-woven interfacing. A bendable aluminum bridge fits over the nose, tapered sides fit the face, and elastic bands hold the mask around the ears or behind the head. Our masks are machine washable and reusable.
Columbia Memorial Hospital, Harlem Hospital (NYC), Jacobi Medical Center (Bronx) Riker’s Island Prison (Bronx), Bellevue Hospital (NYC), Ghent Rehabilitation and Senior Center (Ghent, NY), Columbia County Social Services (NY), Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (Hudson, NY), Park Medical (OR), Essex Street Market (NYC), Camphill Hudson (NY), Camphill Ghent (NY), Barrier Free Living (Bronx), Commonwealth Veterans Residence (NYC), Sanctuary for Families (NYC), Community Action of Greene County (NY), Palatine Manor Germantown (NY), Columbia Children’s Center (NY), COARC (NY), Center for Urban Community Services (Bronx), Kaiser Permanente Women’s Health Department (CA), Vernon C Bain Center (Bronx), Columbia County Office for the Aging (NY), Dyckman Senior Center (NYC), No Woman left Behind (NYC), Lakeland Regional Health (FL), Whispering Pines Nursing Home and Rehab Center (NC), Meals on Wheels (NY), ROOT (MA), Rural and Migrant Ministry (NY), LEAP for Education (MA), C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital (MI), Montefiore Hospital (Bronx), Navajo and Hopi families (AZ), Indigenous Mutual aid (NM & AZ), and others, including food pantries and low income housing tenants.
You can find more on our website MASKS4PEOPLE.NET