Budget Basics for Projects + Grants

w/ Richard Royer Tuesday, Jan. 14, 12-1:30pm Join our Grants Coordinator, Richard Royer, for a row-by-row and column-by-column tutorial on using the SCR Grant Application Budget Form. He’ll go over some budget basics, offer tips, and facilitate break-out groups to work directly on your project budget. This workshop is tailored to the required SCR Budget… Continue reading Budget Basics for Projects + Grants

Showing Up Authentically Online

WED, Oct. 1112PM – ONLINE / ZOOM (60 min.)Instructor: Eimy Figueroa This workshop is about finding a gentler and more sustainable approach to sharing your brand’s story using Social Media as a tool. Learn to showcase your true essence in order to forge deeper bonds with your community by showing up online with content that… Continue reading Showing Up Authentically Online

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