Feb. 14 – 23Fridays & Saturdays 7:30pmSundays 3pm Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for Students & Seniors. Please call for Group Rates. For advance reservations visit www.TheTwoOfUsProductions.org or call 518-758-1648. The Copake Grange628 Empire RoadCopake, NY The tale takes place at a remote mansion, where six mysterious guests assemble for an unusual dinner party… Continue reading Clue On Stage
Tag: CREATE Council on the Arts
Clue On Stage
Feb. 14 – 23Fridays & Saturdays 7:30pmSundays 3pm Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for Students & Seniors. Please call for Group Rates. For advance reservations visit www.TheTwoOfUsProductions.org or call 518-758-1648. The Copake Grange628 Empire RoadCopake, NY The tale takes place at a remote mansion, where six mysterious guests assemble for an unusual dinner party… Continue reading Clue On Stage
Stitching Stories with Breanna Berger-Tzabar
Saturday, February 22nd12 – 2pmFREE | All ages We are thrilled to host local artist and photographer, Breanna Berger-Tzabar, for “insert workshop title!” In this hands-in workshop, we will learn simple stitching and threading techniques to embellish vintage photographs, merging the art of sewing with the nostalgia of old photos. No experience necessary and all… Continue reading Stitching Stories with Breanna Berger-Tzabar
Weird Weaving with Janelle Abbott
Saturday, February 15th2 – 4pmFREE | All ages Come learn how to do a basic basket weave on a box loom using found and reclaimed materials with visiting artist, Janelle Abbott! Bring in your old cords, jewelry, charging cables, rope, clothes, yarn, and other textiles to use and share! No experience necessary and all materials… Continue reading Weird Weaving with Janelle Abbott