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Fern Apfel, Still Life Painter
Athens Cultural Center, Multimedia Arts, Education, Cultural Enrichment Organization & Showspace
Kim Bach, Painter
Sarah Barker, Painter
Maureen Beitler, Photographer
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, Circus and Variety Arts
Naomi Blum, Painter
Natalie Boburka, Art and Music Studio
Irja Boden, Ceramic Sculpture
Lucy Bohnsack, Photographer
Bridge Street Theatre, Performing & Visual Arts Complex
Alan Butzbach, Artist
Bruce Byers, Photographer, Gallery
Laura Cannamela, Ceramic & Paper Sculpture
McWillie Chambers, Painter, Printmaking
Charnel House, Limited Edition Handmade Books
Concerts In The Village, Musical Performance Organization
Wendy Costa, Painter/Product Designer/Installation/Animation
Linda Cross, Mixed Media
Gillian Cummings, Poet, Artist
Jameson Currier, Illustrator, Designer
Joan Damiani, Painter
Mollie Dash, Material Manipulator.
William L. Deane, Photography
Annick de Bellefeuille, Historical Fiction
Pauline Decarmo, Painter
Kristen DeFontes, Assemblage, Printmaker
Chris DeMarco, Photography
Shiri Dembovich, Photography
Terrance Depietro,  Artist/Painter/Instructor
Nancy De Flon, Photography
Tasha Depp, Painter, Mixed Media
Elizabeth DiGiacomantonio, Painter
Giovanni di Mola, Fine Arts Photographer
Carol Durant, Playwright, Poetry, Author
Jim Ebersole, Oil, Watercolor, Drawing
Kathleen Fallon, Painter
Patti Ferrara, Artist
Harriet Forman Barrett, Jewelry, Sculpture & Painting
David Fried, Photographer
Mayuko Fujino, Cutout & Stencil
Angela Gaffney-Smith, Painting, Sculpture
Gail Giles, Painter
The Rodney Shop, Rodney Greenblat
Lex Grey, Music, Installation, Yoga
Sarah Hazelke, Ceramics & Illustration
Martha Hill, Painter, Printmaker
Hillsdale NY Artswalk, Various
Chiarra Hughes-mba, Painter & Writer
Betsy Jacks, Painter & Writer
Lisa Kaplan, Acrylic Abstract Painting, Collage & Gel Plate Printing
Scott Keidong, Photographer & Graphic Design
Peter Keitel, Painter
Gretchen Kelly, Painter
Paul Kmiotek, Illustrator
Alon Koppel, Architecture Photography, Art Documentation
Robert P. Kraus, Artist, Architect, Designer & Fabricator
K.A. Laity, Writer & Arcane Artist
Meryl Learnihan, Illustrator, Painter
Nicole Lemelin, Painter, Poet
Jeffrey Lependorf, Composer/Musician, Artist
Eric Longo, Visual Artist – Mixed Media
Kate Masters, Painter
Shirin Mazdeyasna, Seasonal-Multimedia Artist
Dan McCormack, Photography
Barbara McGeachen, Watercolor Painter
Nathan McLaughlin, Musician
Eva Melas, Ceramic Sculptures, Figures, Installation
Michael J. Quill Irish Cultural and Sports Centre, preserving and promoting Irish/Irish-American cultural and artistic heritage
Ann Morris, Multi-disciplinary artist working in printmaking, ceramics, encaustic and collage 
Raphael Moser, Poet
Elena Mosley, Dancer/Instructor
Beth Mount, Story Quilts, Collage
Sylvia Mueller, Analog Collage
Sonny Ochs, Singer Songwriter & Concert Presenter
Eileen Ordu, Mixed Media
Jane Ormerod, Painter
Liz Ortiz, Abstract Painter, Linocut Carver
Nate Padavick, Illustrator
Rich Panish, Composer, Photographer
Adina M Pease, Photography, Video & Digital Design
Michael Pina, Oil Acrylic Painter
Joyce Polance, Painter
Pam Poquette, Painter, Mixed Media
Terry Preisner, Painter
Sandra Pysher, Oil Painter
Valerie Richmond, Artists’ Bookmaker & Printer
Karen F. Rhodes, Watercolor Painter
Paul Rosenberg, Dance Caller
Marilynn Rowley, Painter
Lisa Peters Russ, Artist
Hayden Ryan, Painter
Jesse Sanchez, Artist/Art Director
Richard T. Scott, Classical Oil Painter
Allen Shadow, Poet, Novelist
Liz Shaw, Creative Consulting
Ave Siecinski, Murals & Decorative Art
Amy Silberkleit, Lithography
Steven Z Soszynski, Painter
Spencertown Academy Arts Center, Arts Center
Viorica Stan, Mixed Media Artist
Linda Stillman, Mixed-media visual artist
Lawre Stone, Painter
Lynne Stone, Painter, Mixed Media
Story, Susan M, Pastel
Laura Summer, Painter, Arts Advocacy
Kaitlyn Synan, Painter
Tempo Fine Arts, Gallery
Sheila Trautman, Watercolor Painter
Debra Trebitz, Photographer
Alice Tunison, Artist
K.Velis Turan, Fiber Artist
Becca Van K., Mixed Media Fiber Artist
Sherry Wack, Painter
Wave Farm, Transmission Arts, WGXC Radio 90.7 FM, Media Arts Grants
Ksenia Winnicki, Photographer & Writer
Nancy Winternight, Painter
Arthur Yanoff, Abstract painter
Sue Zann, Multimedia Artist
Abbie Zuidema, Watercolor Artist

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