Am I eligible to apply for a CREATE grant if I applied for a NYSCA grant?
No, you are not eligible to apply for a CREATE grant if you have applied for a NYSCA grant. Even if you did not receive funding from NYSCA, you are not eligible to apply with us.
We received a grant from CREATE. Can we hire a teaching artist/performer/artist that has received NYSCA funding?
Yes! Though NYSCA applicants are not eligible to apply for CREATE grants, NYSCA applicants may be hired by a CREATE grantee (that is not a NYSCA applicant).
I am a NYSCA-funded organization. Can I serve as a Fiscal Sponsor or Community Partner?
No, you are not eligible to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor or Community Partner.
We are a nonprofit organization that would like to serve as a Community Partner for an artist or artist collective. Can we charge an admin fee to the artist we are partnering with?
No, you may not ask for an admin fee. As a nonprofit, serving as a Community Partner means that you are collaborating with the artist/artist collective that you are partnering with. The relationship benefits both the nonprofit and the artist/artist collective.
We are a nonprofit organization that would like to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor for an artist or artist collective. Can we charge an admin fee to the artist we are partnering with?
Yes. The admin fee you include may not exceed 5% of the total amount the artist/art collective is requesting.
Example: If the artist requests a $5000 grant, you may not ask for more than $250 in admin fees (5% of $5000)
I am an artist/artist collective. Can a NYSCA-funded nonprofit organization serve as my Fiscal Sponsor or Community Partner?
No, a NYSCA-funded organization may not serve as a Fiscal Sponsor or Community Partner for these grants.
Can we include an admin fee in our budget when applying for a grant?
The admin fee you include may not exceed 5% of the total amount you are requesting.
Example: If you request a $5000 grant, you may not ask for more than $250 in admin fees (5% of $5000)
I am interested in applying for an Arts Education grant and partnering with a school for an In-School project. Can I partner with a non-public school?
If applying for an In-School Arts Education grant, you must partner with a public school. If you are applying for a closed-group (outside of school) Arts Education grant, you must partner with an eligible nonprofit.
What do I do if something has changed about my project? Who do I contact?
If a circumstance has come up that may require you to change your project, please complete a Revised Project and Budget Form immediately. We will review your project revision and get back to you regarding the next steps.
Failure to do so in a timely manner may have consequences for future grant eligibility.
Please reach out to grantsmanager@createcouncil.org for more information.
Can I hold my project on private property?
Please reach out directly to the Grants Manager at grantsmanager@createcouncil.org to learn more about private property options. In some specific cases, a project may be eligible to commence on private property if the property owner has given written consent. These projects must also be accessible to the community.