Columbia County Creative Catalyst Grant

Columbia County Grant for Individual Artists

The Columbia County Creative Catalyst Grant is made possible by the Columbia County Legislature through an annual allocation of funds in the county budget.



Creative Catalyst Grant Program seeks to empower individual artists in Columbia County. Its fundamental goal is to ensure access to the arts, recognizing their pivotal role in community enrichment, economic vitality, and overall well-being. This program is funded by the Columbia County government and administered by CREATE Council on the Arts.


Lottery-Based Selection: Utilizing a lottery system to choose grant recipients eliminates the need for traditional judging panels and expediting the process to fund artists. 
Inclusive Review: Prioritize inclusivity by not dismissing applicants based on writing skills, focusing instead on ensuring all applications meet requirements. 
Considerations Based on Income: A grant opportunity that prioritizes applicants within a specific income range to maximize impact of the grants.
Space for Exploration: Allowing artists the autonomy to pursue their chosen projects. 


Who is eligible to apply for this grant?

What are the eligibility requirements?

What is the income limit and how is it determined?

Who is considered a Community Partner that can write a Letter or Call of Reference on your behalf?

What are examples to demonstrate creative practice or artistic activities?

What are the important dates and deadlines for applicants?

What is required if I receive a grant?

I received a Creative Catalyst Grant last year. Can I apply again?

Learn more about the 2024 grant recipients, 2023 grant recipients.

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