Princess Lockerooo and the Fabulous Waack Dancers with a Dance Battle!
Catskill Mountain Foundation
Saturday, Jan. 11, 7pm
Tickets Purchased Ahead: $25; $20 seniors; $7 students
Orpheum Performing Arts Center
6050 Main Street
Tannersville, NY 12485
Get moving in the New Year with Princess Lockerooo, hailed by The New York Times as the
“Queen of Waacking.” Direct from performing on Dancing With the Stars: Soul Train Night, and following a sold out performance with Works & Process at Lincoln Center, Princess Lockeroo will share the history of Waacking, teach a mini lesson, and her company The Fabulous Waack Dancers will perform culminating in a dance battle, all before headlining the Guggenheim Rotunda as part of the Works & Process Underground Uptown Dance Festival.