Fall Felting Fun!
Wednesday, Oct. 4, 3:30-5:30pm
Philmont Community Center
14 Lake View Drive
Philmont NY 12565
Check out this super fun felting after-school program at the Philmont Community Center. We will felt with sheep’s wool to create acorns, pumpkins, bats and other seasonal beauties. We will learn about wool and the history of felting, develop “magic hands” and create lots of felt. A healthy snack will be provided while we enjoy stories, songs and rhymes to go with our creations. This is a collaboration with the talented fiber artist Amelia McIssac, Free Columbia and the Village of Philmont! Sliding scale fee of $0-$250 per child. Checks can be made out to “ Free Columbia”.
This workshop is for children 6 and up.
Please contact Amelia McIsaac to register at ameliafloweringheart@gmail.com or call 518-821-6749