Arcane Alchemy
CREATE 2nd Floor Gallery
November 15th – December 29th, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday Nov. 15th, 5-7pm
A special collection of works showcasing “the arts” of Kate Laity and Stephanie Johnson. This exhibit “is an exploration of art as magic and magic as art. Magic, witchcraft and alchemy infuse our work and in turn our work presents, inspires and embodies our magical practices. Magic has often been the province of those denied power: women and non-binary peoples, the enslaved, the exploited. The ritual of magic offers a sense of control often denied. True magic is not hocus-pocus; it is art. It is creation.”
CREATE 398 Main St Catskill, NY 12414
Gallery Hours
Fridays 4-7pm, Saturdays & Sundays 11am-6pm