Outside the Lines 2017: GCCA’s Annual Youth and Student Arts Exhibition


Showcasing Greene County’s Rising Stars


Greene County Council on the Arts is proud to present their 37th annual youth arts exhibit “Outside the Lines,” featuring artwork by pre-K through Grade 12 students from Greene County public, private and home schools. Outside the Lines 2017 will be on view March 4 through April 15, 2017. Hundreds of young artists and their families and friends attended the opening reception held on March 4th and what a great way to exchange creativity! Please visit the exhibit at GCCA’s Catskill Gallery located at 398 Main Street in Catskill, NY.

“Outside the Lines” gives Greene County students the unique opportunity to exhibit their artwork in a professional gallery and allows visitors to see a wide cross-section of the diversity and promise of our county’s young creative talent. 2017’s exhibit is a “tour de force” with youth art pouring in from all over Greene County, including Cairo-Durham, Coxsackie-Athens, Catskill, Greenville, Hunter-Tannersville, and Windham-Ashland-Jewett as well as several home schools and preschools.

Micheal Karjeski, GCCA Intern, created the 2017 Outside the Lines poster pictured above. Thank you. Michael. GCCA Artist member and photographer, Chuck Pierce, is the official photographer for this special exhibit!  Thank you  Chuck for your generosity.  All photos on this page chuckpiercephotos.com.

During the exhibit, the gallery glows with a kaleidoscope of colors and designs found in students’ paintings, drawings, collages, photographs and mixed media works displayed “salon style” from floor to ceiling. In addition, this year GCCA features its new flat screen television to display short films and videos by Catskill High School students.

Greene County’s art teachers and administrators deserve a huge thank you for adding the “Outside the Lines” exhibition to their already busy schedules. The students, their families and the Arts Council depend on their generosity and creative energy to mount this extraordinary annual student art exhibit.

Greene County Council on the Arts is especially grateful for the support of the following donors to our youth arts programs: The Nan Guterman Foundation, the Town of Catskill, Stewart’s Holiday Match, Hudson River Bank & Trust Foundation, and private donors who contribute through GCCA’s Annual Teacher’s Tribute.

GCCA’s gallery, located at 398 Main Street in Catskill, is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 5 p.m.  The exhibit is free and open to the public. More information is available by contacting 518-943-3400, gcca@greenearts.org or www.greenearts.org.

GREENE COUNTY COUNCIL ON THE ARTS, INC. (GCCA) is a tax exempt, not-for-profit, arts service organization whose purpose is to broaden and enrich the quality of life in Greene County and our surrounding region through the development and strengthening of all the arts. GCCA also serves as the Decentralization regrant agency for Greene, Columbia and Schoharie Counties. Since 1975, the GCCA has provided information and essential services to artists, arts organizations, cultural and educational institutions, civic groups, community agencies and the general public.




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