Show #3 in Bridge Street Theatre’s March SOLOFEST, a festival of original one-person performances, is “Spinning My Wheels”, written and performed by Michael Garfield Levine and directed by Caitlin Langstaff. This brutally honest, often harrowing, and sometimes funny roller coaster of a ride takes us from the 1970s streets and theaters of New York to the hills of Vermont and into the depths of Michael’s psyche as he battles mental illness and addiction. Clawing his way back to sanity through bicycle racing and a life-long acting career, he encounters an Olympian, a Zen Master, a Holocaust survivor, and a meditation teacher who becomes his wife. This courageous journey is one of sheer guts, dogged determination, acceptance and survival. “Spinning My Wheels” will play three performances only March 24-26 – Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm and Sunday at 2:00pm – at Bridge Street Theatre, 44 West Bridge Street in Catskill, NY. Tickets, including four-show Festival Passes, can be purchased by visiting bridgest.org/spinning-my-wheels-tickets/. Photo by Roy Gumpel